7 research outputs found

    Overcoming spatio-angular trade-off in light field acquisition using compressive sensing

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    In contrast to conventional cameras which capture a 2D projection of a 3D scene by integrating the angular domain, light field cameras preserve the angular information of individual light rays by capturing a 4D light field of a scene. On the one hand, light field photography enables powerful post-capture capabilities such as refocusing, virtual aperture, depth sensing and perspective shift. On the other hand, it has several drawbacks, namely, high-dimensionality of the captured light fields and a fundamental trade-off between spatial and angular resolution in the camera design. In this paper, we propose a compressive sensing approach to light field acquisition from a sub-Nyquist number of samples. Using an off-the-shelf measurement setup consisting of a digital projector and a Lytro Illum light field camera, we demonstrate the efficiency of the compressive sensing approach by improving the spatial resolution of the acquired light field. This paper presents a proof of concept with a simplified 3D scene as the scene of interest. Results obtained by the proposed method show significant improvement in the spatial resolution of the light field as well as preserved post-capture capabilities

    Optimization of ECL inverter components in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor Technology

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    U radu je opisan rad emiterski vezane logike kao jedne od najbržih logičkih skupina. Na waferima su mjerena vremena kaÅ”njenja različitih verzija ECL oscilatora, koje su se razlikovale u iznosima otpora u invertorima i u veličini tranzistora. Oscilatori s manjim iznosima otpora su brže radili, no imali su i veću potroÅ”nju. Oscilatori s relaksiranijm layoutom tranzistora su se pokazali kao najsporije verzije, ali i najpouzdanije. U simulacijama se proučavao utjecaj parazitnih kapaciteta na vrijeme kaÅ”njenja.The work of emitter coupled logic is described as one of the fastest logical groups. Different versions of ECL oscillators are measured on wafers, with different amounts of resistance in the inverters and different sizes of invertors. Oscillators with lower resistance rates worked faster, but they also had higher consumption. Oscillators with a more relaxed layout of the transistor have been shown as the slowest version, but also the most reliable. In the simulations, the influence of parasitic capacity on delay time was studied

    High Resolution Stereo Vision Using Compressive Sensing System

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    U radu je opisan postupak rekonstruckije dvodimenzionalne scene bazirane na principu sažimajuceg očitavanja koristeći visokorezolucijski projektor i monokromatsku kameru. Nakon Å”to se rekonstrukcija pokazala zadovoljavajucom i potvrđeni su principi CS rekonstrukcije, preÅ”lo se na 3D scenu gdje se koristio visokorezolucijski projektor i dvije monokromatske kamere za akviziciju stereo vida. Zbog problema neplanarne scene u slucaju 3D scene s objektima postavljenim na različitim dubinama, koriÅ”teni su principi sažimajuce dualne fotografije i transformacije fundamentalnom matricom kako bi se rekonstruirao visoko rezolucijski stereo vid. Iz rekonstruiranog stereo vida visoke rezolucije je napravljen 3D model snimljene scene. U rekonstukciji su koriÅ”teni optimizacijski algoritmi i programsko okruženje MATLAB.This thesis describes a 2D reconstruction setup consisting of a high resolution projector and a monochromatic camera based on compressive sensing. After the reconstruction proved to be satisfactory and the CS reconstruction principles were confirmed, 3D reconstruction was next using a high resolution projector and two monochromatic cameras to acquire stereo vision. Due to the problem of non-planar scene in case of 3D scene with objects set at different depths, principles of dual photography and fundamental matrix transforms were used. From the reconstructed high resolution stereo vision, a 3D model of the scene was made. In the reconstruction the optimization algorithms and the programming environment MATLAB were used

    High Resolution Stereo Vision Using Compressive Sensing System

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    U radu je opisan postupak rekonstruckije dvodimenzionalne scene bazirane na principu sažimajuceg očitavanja koristeći visokorezolucijski projektor i monokromatsku kameru. Nakon Å”to se rekonstrukcija pokazala zadovoljavajucom i potvrđeni su principi CS rekonstrukcije, preÅ”lo se na 3D scenu gdje se koristio visokorezolucijski projektor i dvije monokromatske kamere za akviziciju stereo vida. Zbog problema neplanarne scene u slucaju 3D scene s objektima postavljenim na različitim dubinama, koriÅ”teni su principi sažimajuce dualne fotografije i transformacije fundamentalnom matricom kako bi se rekonstruirao visoko rezolucijski stereo vid. Iz rekonstruiranog stereo vida visoke rezolucije je napravljen 3D model snimljene scene. U rekonstukciji su koriÅ”teni optimizacijski algoritmi i programsko okruženje MATLAB.This thesis describes a 2D reconstruction setup consisting of a high resolution projector and a monochromatic camera based on compressive sensing. After the reconstruction proved to be satisfactory and the CS reconstruction principles were confirmed, 3D reconstruction was next using a high resolution projector and two monochromatic cameras to acquire stereo vision. Due to the problem of non-planar scene in case of 3D scene with objects set at different depths, principles of dual photography and fundamental matrix transforms were used. From the reconstructed high resolution stereo vision, a 3D model of the scene was made. In the reconstruction the optimization algorithms and the programming environment MATLAB were used

    High Resolution Stereo Vision Using Compressive Sensing System

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    U radu je opisan postupak rekonstruckije dvodimenzionalne scene bazirane na principu sažimajuceg očitavanja koristeći visokorezolucijski projektor i monokromatsku kameru. Nakon Å”to se rekonstrukcija pokazala zadovoljavajucom i potvrđeni su principi CS rekonstrukcije, preÅ”lo se na 3D scenu gdje se koristio visokorezolucijski projektor i dvije monokromatske kamere za akviziciju stereo vida. Zbog problema neplanarne scene u slucaju 3D scene s objektima postavljenim na različitim dubinama, koriÅ”teni su principi sažimajuce dualne fotografije i transformacije fundamentalnom matricom kako bi se rekonstruirao visoko rezolucijski stereo vid. Iz rekonstruiranog stereo vida visoke rezolucije je napravljen 3D model snimljene scene. U rekonstukciji su koriÅ”teni optimizacijski algoritmi i programsko okruženje MATLAB.This thesis describes a 2D reconstruction setup consisting of a high resolution projector and a monochromatic camera based on compressive sensing. After the reconstruction proved to be satisfactory and the CS reconstruction principles were confirmed, 3D reconstruction was next using a high resolution projector and two monochromatic cameras to acquire stereo vision. Due to the problem of non-planar scene in case of 3D scene with objects set at different depths, principles of dual photography and fundamental matrix transforms were used. From the reconstructed high resolution stereo vision, a 3D model of the scene was made. In the reconstruction the optimization algorithms and the programming environment MATLAB were used

    Optimization of ECL inverter components in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor Technology

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    U radu je opisan rad emiterski vezane logike kao jedne od najbržih logičkih skupina. Na waferima su mjerena vremena kaÅ”njenja različitih verzija ECL oscilatora, koje su se razlikovale u iznosima otpora u invertorima i u veličini tranzistora. Oscilatori s manjim iznosima otpora su brže radili, no imali su i veću potroÅ”nju. Oscilatori s relaksiranijm layoutom tranzistora su se pokazali kao najsporije verzije, ali i najpouzdanije. U simulacijama se proučavao utjecaj parazitnih kapaciteta na vrijeme kaÅ”njenja.The work of emitter coupled logic is described as one of the fastest logical groups. Different versions of ECL oscillators are measured on wafers, with different amounts of resistance in the inverters and different sizes of invertors. Oscillators with lower resistance rates worked faster, but they also had higher consumption. Oscillators with a more relaxed layout of the transistor have been shown as the slowest version, but also the most reliable. In the simulations, the influence of parasitic capacity on delay time was studied

    Optimization of ECL inverter components in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor Technology

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    U radu je opisan rad emiterski vezane logike kao jedne od najbržih logičkih skupina. Na waferima su mjerena vremena kaÅ”njenja različitih verzija ECL oscilatora, koje su se razlikovale u iznosima otpora u invertorima i u veličini tranzistora. Oscilatori s manjim iznosima otpora su brže radili, no imali su i veću potroÅ”nju. Oscilatori s relaksiranijm layoutom tranzistora su se pokazali kao najsporije verzije, ali i najpouzdanije. U simulacijama se proučavao utjecaj parazitnih kapaciteta na vrijeme kaÅ”njenja.The work of emitter coupled logic is described as one of the fastest logical groups. Different versions of ECL oscillators are measured on wafers, with different amounts of resistance in the inverters and different sizes of invertors. Oscillators with lower resistance rates worked faster, but they also had higher consumption. Oscillators with a more relaxed layout of the transistor have been shown as the slowest version, but also the most reliable. In the simulations, the influence of parasitic capacity on delay time was studied